Ruddington Retirement Village

245-247 Loughborough Road, Ruddington, Nottingham NG11 6NY

Call Us 0115 865 4480


What a great day…….

We would like to thank everyone for what was an amazing turn out at our St Peter’s Summer Fayre. There was some great entertainment, loads to eat and drink, plenty of games to join in with, and the conversation flowed all afternoon.

Our residents, staff, families and people from the wider Ruddington Community had a brilliant time, and we certainly all felt part of the village.

A huge thank you to everyone who mad it possible through their hard work, and here’s to next year!


Happy Birthday Ada…..

At Balmore we don’t need an excuse for a party, but the Birthday of our lovely resident Ada did seem like the perfect reason to get the balloons out. Ada received lots fo cards and presents and a fantastic cake from our kitchen team – made specially for the occasion.

She had a lovely day and would like to thank everyone who made it so special for her – she literally felt like a Queen for the day!


Enjoying life….

Our lovely Ruddington Apartment resident Irene is fast settling in to her new surroundings. She has been taking full advantage of the lovely facilities we have here and booked in for a pampering session and a manicure in our fully equipped salon. She really enjoyed being made to feel special and her nails looked lovely.

If you would like to discover more about the facilities and accommodation options at Ruddington Retirement apartments then why not give us a call. You could soon be joining Irene for a bit more pampering!


Thank you Ron….

It’s always nice to have a bit of cake isn’t it. But what a treat the residents and staff at Orchard House had recently when we received this lovely tray of goodies, very kindly donated by Ron Clarke.

A great surprise that went down a treat and tasted yummy.

A big thank you to Ron for making us all very happy…and full!


Enjoying the sunshine….

Yes the temperatures have been a bit sweltering of late, but that hasn’t stopped the lovely residents of Orchard House getting outdoors and enjoying themselves in the garden.

Here are some lovely pictures of them doing just that over the weekend and taking full advantage of the bar we have set up.

Well, you have to cool down somehow!


A date for your diary!….

Ruddington Retirement Village will be holding a Family Fun Day at Balmore House on Saturday 27th August from 2pm to 5pm. Garden parties at Balmore are usually fantastic fun and this one promises to be no exception. There will be live entertainment, stalls, food and drink, a bouncy castle and much more.

Everyone is invited and we would love to see as many families as possible from Balmore, Orchard House and St Peter’s. Let’s hope the weather is not too hot but still sunny and we’re sure to have a great day.


Happy Birthday Steve….

We recently posted about our fabulous carer Steve at St.Peter’s. He has been with us for 30 years caring for and supporting people from our local community. Of course we couldn’t let his big day go past without a cake, baked specially by our kitchen team here at the home.

Steve received loads of good wishes on the day and we hope he is with us to celebrate many more Birthdays to come.


A date for your diaries!….

St Peter’s annual Summer Fayre is fast approaching and will be held on Saturday 20th August between 2pm and 5pm. There will be lots of entertainment including games for everyone. Food and drink will be available for all as will Ice Creams and a cake sale.

A Tombola will be held which has some great prizes donated by our local community. Two people who are already getting excited are Sue, one of our residents and Dee, one of our carers – pictured here. Everyone is welcome to what we are sure will be a fab afternoon.


A Fabulous Friday….

Last Friday at Balmore we held our Sports Day and BBQ picnic at the home. Fortunately the temperatures have come down from a couple of weeks ago, but it was still beautifully warm for everyone.

In the morning we had g-fitness with some one to one mini sessions. In the afternoon we were out on the front lawn with residents, staff, family and friends. Everyone took part in lots of games and races including an egg and spoon race with medals being awarded. We also had our very own former Olympian Bryan wearing his original Olympics tracksuit top, especially for the occasion.

It was a terrific afternoon enjoyed by everyone, and a huge thank you to everyone who took part, supported and made it such a Fabulous Friday!


Coming Home!…

That was certainly what our residents at Ruddington Retirement Apartments wanted as they settled down for yesterday’s big game at Wembley. They were in for a treat – a fantastic match against tough opponents, and a great result enjoyed by everyone.

Everyone here cheered the Lionesses to the rafters and were so pleased they were able to realise their dreams. All of us are so proud of what our girls have achieved and we hope they inspire young girls to realise their own dreams for a long time to come!