Ruddington Retirement Village

245-247 Loughborough Road, Ruddington, Nottingham NG11 6NY

Call Us 0115 865 4480


Looking festive at Orchard!…..

The lovely ladies and gents of our staff team here at Orchard House recently held their Christmas party for 2022. It was a great occasion and we ran a best Christmas Costume Competition. Three winners this yea! First prize was £20 and a bottle of wine donated by Malcolm Mather. Second prize was £10 and a bottle of wine donated by Kenneth Dobinson and third prize was also £10 again again donated by Kenneth Dobinson.

We think everyone really looked great and they certainly all enjoyed their party!


Congratulations Lyndsey…..

Orchard House’s employee of the month received her award from our manager Jayne this week – or was it Santa, we’re not sure! Lyndsey is a great asset to Orchard House and her dedication and professionalism makes her a worthy winner. We hope she has a great Christmas and we are sure she will continue her brilliant work in 2023.


Christmas Singalong….

Many thanks from the residents and staff at Orchard House go to local entertainer Sam Hutchinson who gave us a terrific Christmas Singalong last week.

Lots of old favourites and festive songs were the order of the day and everyone thoroughly enjoyed themselves.


Gorgeous Guineas!…

Here at Balmore Country House we were delighted to welcome Buzz and Woody to the home this morning. No not the Toy Story characters, but two gorgeous guinea pigs that our residents absolutely loved holding and stroking!

Lots of lovely cuddles were had and they are welcome back any time!


A festive scene….

At Orchard House we’re blessed with lovely gardens, and so come Christmas time it’s great to decorate them as well as the inside of the home. The residents really enjoy looking out and seeing the displays all lit up.

How many different animals and characters can you spot?


A beautiful display….

St Peter’s is looking really festive with this fantastic display around one of our trees. It’s been a real joy to decorate the home this year and see the enthusiasm with which the residents have joined in making everything look so Christmasy.


Balmore Beauties….

Here at Balmore House we are very proud of how the home is looking this Christmas. Pride of place among the many decorations we have put up are our Christmas trees. The staff, aided by some of our residents, have worked really hard to make sure that they all look lovely in time for Santa to come calling!

All three are being thoroughly enjoyed by our residents – we’re not sure which one we like best!


And what would you like for Christmas?……

That’s the question Santa was asking many of our lovely residents this week when he paid a surprise visit to the home. Santa set up his temporary Grotto in front of one of our beautiful Christmas trees and our lovely decorated arch. It was the perfect setting for Christmas lists to be delivered to him. Who knows if everyone will get what they want….but knowing Santa he will do his best.

A really fun time that our residents thoroughly enjoyed.



Well it certainly is at Orchard House. We don’t believe you can have too many Christmas trees in a home, and so we have really gone to town and put up five of them around Orchard’s lovely lounges and hallways. A massive thank you to everyone whose hard work has produced such a lovely display which we know our residents really appreciate.

Now the question is which one looks best and should be entered into the My Care Christmas tree competition. What’s your favourite?


Festive St. Peter’s…..

Every year we really look forward to putting up our Christmas decorations at St.Peter’s, and this year has been no exception. We are also excited to be taking part in the My Care Christmas Tree competition. We think our tree looks lovely, with its white and silver theme – not over the top but wonderfully Christmasy.

We hope you all agree – it certainly has delighted our residents.