Ruddington Retirement Village

245-247 Loughborough Road, Ruddington, Nottingham NG11 6NY

Call Us 0115 865 4480


Tatties and neeps all round…..

The lovely residents of St Peters had a lovely time celebrating Burns Night last week. There were plenty of Saltires decorating the home, and lots of our residents and staff donned hats vaguely resembling a Tam O Shanter.

A very fun and colourful evening, enjoyed by all.


Knitting Nirvana…..

We had a lovely evening at Ruddington Retirement Village recently with Ruddington’s Knitting Ninjas. They are masters of their craft and come up with some great designs.

We are eagerly awaiting their next project that will be visible around the village.


Marvellous Mosaics….

The lovely residents of Balmore Country House got creative yesterday when they were visited by the team from Creative Paths. They provide arts-led creative and reminiscence workshops for people living in care, art projects, art in care and reminiscence training, and online activity services.

They led a fantastic session at the home which the residents thoroughly enjoyed and during which they created some lovely mosaics.

A fun session for everyone.


A lovely afternoon….

Here at Balmore Country House we always enjoy an afternoon of singing and dancing. No exception to that rule this week when we had some great entertainment in the home. Lots of old favourites which got our lovely residents joining in, and a few couldn’t resist the urge to get up and have a dance.

Great fun for everyone!


A great Christmas Party….

Our lovely residents at St Peter’s were thrilled to welcome back Kellan as the entertainment at our Christmas Party this year. They love to see Kellan – he hasn’t visited the home for a while due to working away, but he came back to see us for our party. He sure gets our residents up on their feet.

There was lots of fun and everyone had a great time.


Enjoying opening presents……

Christmas has been a lovely time at St Peter’s and Santa has done us proud. Here’s one of our residents opening one of her presents, everybody is extremely happy with their gifts and Santa has done well to provide them with some of their favourite things.

We hope Santa brought you your favourite things!


Santa comes to call….

Christmas Day at Balmore was a great time. Everyone got together to celebrate and share the most wonderful lunch. The day was made complete by the arrival of Santa to hand out lots of gifts.

We hope you had as good a Christmas Day as we did!


Santa Sunday!…

The lovely residents of Orchard House were delighted to welcome an extra guest to the dinner table for Christmas lunch on Sunday. Santa himself stopped by to deliver presents and spread some Christmas cheer – no that we needed cheering up as everyone was in high spirits this year. We had a lovely meal and sent Santa on his way with a full belly…and a lighter sleigh thanks to the presents we received.

A lovely day.