Ruddington Retirement Village

245-247 Loughborough Road, Ruddington, Nottingham NG11 6NY

Call Us 0115 865 4480


Giving you choice in your life….

We all want choice in our lives, particularly about where and how we live. As we get older, many of us feel that choice is gradually taken away and we are left without options.

We believe The Ruddington Retirement Apartments offer you that choice in a range of different layouts and sizes and can provide you with a lovely home and community for your later years.

Constructed in the beautiful grounds of Balmore Country House, a short walk from the centre of Ruddington, our apartments come in a range of one-bedroom designs. You might be looking for an apartment just for yourself, or perhaps you are a couple who would like a little bit more space; whatever your circumstances, we believe we have an apartment that will suit you.

Our aim is to create a community where you can have privacy, dignity, and are able to do things for yourself should you want to. When you feel the need for help, we can provide that assistance.

This is important as we don’t want you to feel that you must fend for yourself on those occasions when that feels too much for you. We think it’s the best of both worlds.


Marking International Nurses Day…

We think our nurses here at Balmore do a fantastic job looking after our residents.

Of course they are not alone and so last week we celebrated Nurses everywhere as part of International Nurses Day. This is an international day observed around the world on 12 May each year, to mark the contributions that nurses make to society.

We hope you agree that all nurses deserve our thanks, and especially over the last two years or so. Where would we be without them!


Making music at Balmore

There’s nothing our lovely residents at Balmore love better than making a noise – albeit a lovely one with the help of lots of musical instruments. Lots of our activity sessions have a musical theme and they are thoroughly enjoyed by all.

They are engaging and often stimulate memories that are then shared by all. Great fun and a great way to create some great community spirit.


Creative talent on display!…..

The lovely residents of Balmore House have been thoroughly enjoying their Creative Path workshops over the past week. The workshops are a great way of creating engagement, encouraging fine motor skills and hand eye coordination.

They’re great fun for everyone and we think the results look lovely!


What Fabulous Weather!…..

Our lovely residents at Orchard House certainly enjoyed themselves over the Easter weekend, especially as the weather was so warm and nice.

The beautiful gardens at the home were well used. There was lots of basking in the warm sunshine and even a little football getting played! A lovely sunny time enjoyed by all!


Beautiful Bonnets!….

Easter at St Peter’s is always a lively affair with lots going on in the home. This year there has been a lot of work put into making Easter bonnets, and more than one or two sets of Bunny ears! Our residents have been so creative with their designs and shown no little skill in making the hats look lovely.

They even managed to get a dog involved!

We think the hat suits rather well, we hope you all enjoyed a great Easter this year!


Celebrating Easter…..

The lovely residents at Balmore Country House really looked forward to the Easter weekend. What better way to start it off than with an egg hunt around the home. There were clues to where the eggs might be and everyone had a great time searching for the little chocolate delights.

The weather was lovely over the weekend and this meant that we could use the garden as well as inside the home. Great fun for everyone!


What a fabulous Weekend!…..

What a great Easter holiday we had here at Orchard House. There was an Easter Sunday celebration and our lovely residents thoroughly enjoyed the sunshine, games, lots of food and some great entertainment from a singer.

The sun shone, the garden looked beautiful and everyone had a smile on their face. A lovely time was had by all!


Happy Easter!…..

We hope you are enjoying your Easter holiday. Our lovely residents certainly are.

Across our homes we have been decorating ready for this Easter weekend. There are lots of chicks and bunnies and bonnets on display as well as the odd egg hunt or two.

For many of our residents of a Christian faith, Easter is also an important time of year and they will be celebrating that in their thoughts and prayers. We hope that all of you have a really nice Easter break, don’t eat too much chocolate and stay safe and well for the Spring and summer ahead.


Out and About around Ruddington…..

From this week on you might see some fairly colourful buses around the Ruddington area. This is because we have started an advertising campaign for Ruddington Retirement Village on local bus routes.

We would love to know if you see them on your travels. You may have seen the plans and designs, but here’s a view of the real thing! Make sure that if you do spot one, to reply to this post with a photo of it or just tag us in!